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We are excited to announce that from January 2025, our midweek small group structure will be changing, and we’ll be introducing Gospel Communities!

We are so grateful for how God has used Meetups over the past several years to grow the church spiritually and numerically, but we feel that as we continue to grow, Gospel Communities give us the maximum opportunity to be disciples that make disciples! Please read on for more details of what Gospel Communities will look like, and how we will be transitioning to them over the next few months.

Our Discipleship Model
Discipleship at Redeemer primarily occurs in three different contexts - Sunday Morning Services, Midweek Small Groups and Threes. Gospel Communities will operate as our main midweek small group discipleship opportunity.

Why Gospel Communities?
As leaders in the church, it is the elders responsibility to “present everyone mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28), which means that there is a biblical requirement on them to make sure that everyone is being discipled.
We hope that Gospel Communities will provide opportunities for deeper relationships to develop, in an environment where there is consistent opportunity to worship, read the Bible, and pray together. The structure of Gospel Communities will create increased commitment and accountability to one another, and give a greater opportunity for pastoral care, while creating a wider leadership team who can carry the spiritual weight required to provide this care.

What are Gospel Communities?
Gospel Communities will launch in January 2025, and will be midweek small groups which run for 1 year, while still operating with a termly structure, to allow for weeks of prayer, Love Ealing events, and summer breaks. The groups will be organised to best serve Redeemer across the borough, on multiple evenings during the week, individuals will be encouraged (though not forced!) to attend a group which is close to them geographically. Material for every group will be provided centrally by Redeemer. All groups will study the same passages together across the course of a term, though each group will have a different feel based on the individual personalities of its leaders and members.

Any Questions?
We are sure that you will have many questions about the new Gospel Communities, and we would encourage you to share them with leadership, or bring them to our live Q&A session on 10 November after our morning service. However you may find your question has already been answered by our handy Q&A document, which you will find on the link below.