Do whatever it takes

Earlier this year I was listening to the series of Sunday messages on how to bless those around us.

What struck me was the unambiguity of the Gospel.

Jesus showed us by example. He blessed others with his words, his presence at a meal, by healing and meeting people's needs. He sent his disciples out (see Matthew 10) to bless. If the households they met weren't receptive they were to move on. They were to focus on blessing others.

There's an urgency to this.

Go, and Bless.


Go empty handed and be fruitful
Lay on hands and be liberal
When you pour your oil,
Spit in the soil if you have to
Whatever it takes to
Bring healing and restoration
To those who have a notion
To listen to you whom I have chosen
To bring good news to the nations.
And to each family which shows willing
Give greetings
With a voice ringing true and bringing
Peace and blessings
To all who reside in each dwelling
For you are a herald of the most high King
Sent to ensure His shalom and kingdom
Hits home before you move on.
Go empty handed and be fruitful
Lay on hands and be liberal
When you pour your oil
Spit in the soil if you have to
Whatever it takes...