Learning a little guitar...

As a Hanwell resident over the years I have loved watching the local Ukulele group perform at the Hanwell Carnival and The Hanwell Hootie as well as on other fun occasions. The players all seemed to be having such a good time and the audience would dance and sing along.

Despite never having picked up the small instrument before, a year ago, I decided to go along on a Tuesday night and join the band. I am so glad that I took a step into the unknown! There have been several benefits to joining the group…

  • The friendly and welcoming nature of the group has meant I’ve made friends.

  • Tuesday nights have become a great way to connect with my local community outside of a church context.

  • I always enjoy my evening singing and playing at the W7 on the Green, and representing Redeemer at these events. It has been wonderful to perform locally.

  • It has been incredible to go along and support great local causes, encouraging and building up others that are benefitting our community.

I am stirred to challenge you with a couple of questions.

1) When did you last try something for the first time?

2) In what ways are you integrating into the local community?

Who knows how your life, or the lives or others might be changed when you step out and trying something new.


Here is a link to the webpage is you want to come and join us:
