#RedeemerRecommends Upside Down Advent!

Turn Advent UPSIDE DOWN. 

In the run up to Christmas I was struck by an idea floating on the Web.  



Instead (or as well as) opening an advent calendar door each morning for a piece of chocolate to munch with your cereal flakes of choice, create a collection for someone struggling to make ends meet this Christmas.  

Each day in the run up to Christmas, put aside a staple food item or something a little more festive.  And before Christmas hand it to a local food bank or a charity supporting the homeless to be passed on to someone who may not be anticipating a happy Christmas time. 

Go to https://www.trusselltrust.org/what-we-do/ for more ideas of the best items to include and to find your local foodbank.  

If you're in Ealing go to https://ealing.foodbank.org.uk

You can even hand it in at your local supermarket - Tesco's in Ealing is collecting.