Breakthrough - Men's Prayer Brunch

The 9th of February marked the first Men’s brunch meetup. A new ministry from Redeemer with a vision to bring men together to discuss one simple but important question; what breakthrough are we waiting for God to do in our lives? He is a God who can do anything, and often we simply need to hold onto faith and trust that He will provide what we need at the right time.

The first meetup saw twenty-two men from Redeemer church devour an insatiable amount of eggs, sausages, bacon and coffee whilst catching up for those with those we haven’t seen in a while. But the event also provided a friendly atmosphere for new people to make new friends. It was great to see the coffee pouring and the conversations flowing with outbreaks of laughter from one end of the table to the other.

After the mighty-meaty brunch, we all gathered around in the spacious living room to listen to our very own Francois share his testimony – a vulnerable and honest account of how he grappled with an addiction to pornography, and the way it affected his marriage. It was so encouraging to hear that despite the bondage to sin that only seemed to tighten with the passage of time, Francois learnt to lean on God and His abundant grace. God has set him free from this; providing the much needed breakthrough that Francois required, as he was able to bring himself, his marriage and his family unilaterally out of difficulty under God’s light.

The session concluded as we broke into small groups to discuss addictions that we wrestle with but focus on a real and tangible way out – by lifting our voices in prayer, and beginning to lean on God; trusting Him for the breakthrough that he ultimately provided for Francois.

Chris Sutton was then given some time to discuss the ministry he is putting together called ‘caring for ex-offenders’ before the day ended in a final prayer.

The men’s ministry will be running these brunches every two to three months and we would love to see you at the next one on 13th April. Come along and please do bring any men you know who would benefit from the fruits of this ministry (inside or outside of Redeemer).

Details of the next meetup will be given nearer the time. – Please speak to Barny, Francois or Sunny for more info.

Review by Sunny Gill